
Biliteracy Unit Framework: Sample for 1st Grade

The biliteracy unit framework featured in this sample is for 1st grade.
Content area: Language arts integrated with science.
Language in which this content is taught: Spanish.

Publication: Teaching for Biliteracy: Strengthening Bridges between Languages

Topic: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment


Object(s): framework

Biliteracy Unit Framework: Sample for 3rd Grade

This biliteracy unit framework features a sample for 3rd grade.
Content area: Language arts integrated with science.
Language in which content is taught: Spanish

Publication: Teaching for Biliteracy: Strengthening Bridges between Languages

Topic: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment


Object(s): framework

Biliteracy Unit Framework: Sample for 4th Grade

This biliteracy unit framework features a sample for 4th grade.
Content area: Language arts integrated with social studies.
Language in which content is taught: Spanish.

Publication: Teaching for Biliteracy: Strengthening Bridges between Languages

Topic: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment


Object(s): framework

Biliteracy Unit Framework: Sample for High School

This biliteracy unit framework features a sample from high school.
Content area: Spanish language arts
Language in which content is taught: Spanish.

Publication: Teaching for Biliteracy: Strengthening Bridges between Languages

Topic: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment


Object(s): framework

Biliteracy Unit Framework: Template

This biliteracy unit framework is a blank template. It can be used by teachers at any grade level who teach content in any biliteracy context.

Publication: Teaching for Biliteracy: Strengthening Bridges between Languages

Topic: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment


Object(s): framework, template

CABE 2021 Caslon authors at our Virtual Exhibit

Caslon is proud to have so many authors represented at this year’s CABE 2021 Virtual Conference, Standing Together for Unity, Multiliteracy, and Equity, March 23 – 27, 2021. We are also happy to announce that several of these authors will be at the Caslon Virtual Exhibit between 2 and 3 pm each afternoon. This 1-minute video introduces these conversations with the authors. We will post recordings of these conversations after the conference.

Tuesday: Jim Cummins (keynote) and his co-author Raymond Isola (Transforming Sanchez School: Shared leadership, equity and evidence) talk with bilingual and general education leaders about the dynamic role of the principal in long-term educational change. Isola was engaged in this school transformation for thirteen years as principal of Sanchez School in San Francisco.

Wednesday: Rebecca Field invites your feedback on Caslon Learning, our new web-based professional learning system featuring The Translanguaging Classroom by Ofelia García, Susana Ibarra Johnson, and Kate Seltzer. Field will demonstrate the system, and invite questions and comments on its different features.

Thursday: Kathy Escamilla and Susan Hopewell, co-authors of Biliteracy from the Start answer your questions about biliteracy instruction and assessment.

Friday: Sandra Mercuri and Sandra Musanti as launch their new book La enseñanza en el aula bilingüe: Content, language, and biliteracy, which is written primarily in Spanish. Sandra and Sandra will talk with you about the strategic and purposeful use of Spanish and English for instructional and assessment purposes on two levels: in the elementary bilingual classroom, and to structure professional learning for bilingual teachers.

Publication: Caslon Community

Topic: Professional Development


Checklist of Reading Strategy Development

Critical thinking skills are the focus in strategy development and graphic organizers are used extensively to guide students in organizing information with content-area concepts.

Publication: The Literacy Club

Topic: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment


Object(s): checklist

Common Core en Español

This link leads to the Common Core Translation Project, also known as Common Core en Español, which has been developed by the San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) and the California Department of Education and endorsed by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). This translated and linguistically augmented version of the California Common Core ELA/Literacy Standards and Math Standards in Spanish is posted on this website for free public access and is available to individuals in California and across the country.

Publication: Caslon Community

Topic: Policy, Leadership, and Advocacy


Object(s): website

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  • All Publications
  • Caslon Community
  • Foundations for Teaching English Language Learners: Research, Theory, Policy, and Practice, third edition
  • La enseñanza en el aula bilingüe: Content, language, and biliteracy
  • Transforming Sanchez School
  • The Literacy Club
  • The Translanguaging Classroom: Leveraging Student Bilingualism for Learning
  • Young Dual Language Learners
  • Common Core Bilingual and English Language Learners: A Resource for Educators
  • Enriching Practice in Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Classrooms
  • English Language Learners at School: A Guide for Administrators, 2nd edition
  • Implementing Effective Instruction for English Language Learners: Twelve Key Practices for Administrators, Teachers, and Leadership Teams
  • Differentiating Instruction and Assessment for English Language Learners: A Guide for K-12 Teachers, second edition
  • Biliteracy from the Start: Literacy Squared in Action
  • Teaching for Biliteracy: Strengthening Bridges between Languages
  • Assessment and Accountability in Language Education Programs: A Guide for Administrators and Teachers
  • Special Education Considerations for English Language Learners: Delivering a Continuum of Services, Second Edition
  • Teaching Adolescent English Language Learners: Essential Strategies for Middle and High School
  • Foundations for Multilingualism in Education: From Principles to Practice

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