
Ch. 04 Survey: Developing Instructional Programs for ELLs

This survey for reflection and action is organized around critical features of effective programs for ELLs articulated in the introduction to chapter 4 (Hamayan and Freeman Field, 2012). Educators can use this survey to indicate how well they have developed their instructional program for the ELLs in their schools, and to identify strengths and needs of their current approach, and propose action steps they can take to improve their instructional program. Educators can either download the survey or complete it online to easily share the results of their surveys with other educators in their school.

Publication: English Language Learners at School: A Guide for Administrators, 2nd edition

Topic: Program Implementation and Evaluation


Object(s): survey

Ch.04 Survey: Policy, Leadership, and Advocacy

Teachers, coaches, and administrators can use this survey from the end of Chapter 4 (Valdés et al) to investigate the policy, leadership, and advocacy context surrounding CCSS and ELLs/emergent bilinguals at their school/district/organization. The survey asks educators to focus on a) the existence of a language policy regarding ELLs/EBs at the local level, b) educators' knowledge about what that language policy says about programs and practices for ELLs/EBs, and c) whether that language policy was used to guide CCSS implementation.

After individuals complete their surveys, leadership teams are encouraged to discuss survey responses, and identify one to three issues that stand out as challenges in their context. Then team members are asked to identify one to three action steps they can take to address the challenges they identify. As questions arise, educators are encouraged to turn to expert responses in the chapter for guidance.

Publication: Common Core Bilingual and English Language Learners: A Resource for Educators

Topic: Policy, Leadership, and Advocacy


Object(s): survey

Ch.05 Survey: Implementing and Evaluating Instructional Programs for ELLs

This Survey for Reflection and Action from Ch.05 (Hamayan & Freeman Field) is based on the guiding principles for implementing and evaluating effective instructional programs for ELLs that were articulated in the beginning of the chapter. Educators can use this survey to consider how well their instructional program for ELLs is implemented and evaluated. Educators can then identify their identify their strengths and needs in this area, and propose action steps they can take to improve their program implementation. Educators can either download the survey or complete it online to easily share the results of their surveys with other educators in their school.

Publication: English Language Learners at School: A Guide for Administrators, 2nd edition

Topic: Program Implementation and Evaluation


Object(s): survey

Ch.05 Survey: Teaching and Learning

Teachers, coaches, and administrators can use this survey from the end of Chapter 5 (Valdés et al) to explore the context of teaching and learning surrounding CCSS and ELLs/emergent bilinguals at their school/district/organization. The survey asks educators to focus on a) language demands of the content areas, b) literacy and multiliteracies across content areas, c) and languages and literacies for disciplinary purposes.

After individuals complete their surveys, leadership teams are encouraged to discuss survey responses, and identify one to three issues that stand out as challenges in their context. Then team members are asked to identify one to three action steps they can take to address the challenges they identify. As questions arise, educators are encouraged to turn to expert responses in the chapter for guidance.

Publication: Common Core Bilingual and English Language Learners: A Resource for Educators

Topic: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment


Object(s): survey

Ch.06 Survey: Classroom Instruction and Assessment

Use this survey to focus your observations of classes that serve ELLs (general education, ESL, bilingual). Use a plus sign (+) when you have observed exemplary practice in this area, a check mark when you have observed evidence of this practice, and a minus sign (-) when you have found no evidence of this practice. Jot down evidence of the practice that you observed. Use the data that you collect on this survey to focus conversations with teachers and to guide decisions about professional development. Review your observations and evidence to identify strengths of classroom instruction and assessment for ELLs at your school, future possibilities you can see, and concrete action steps you can take. Feel free to revise the survey as necessary to focus your observations on areas of concern (e.g., particular strategies that teachers are targeting in professional development).

Publication: English Language Learners at School: A Guide for Administrators, 2nd edition

Topic: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment


Object(s): survey

Ch.06 Survey: Professional Learning

Teachers, coaches, and administrators can use this survey from the end of Chapter 6 (Valdés et al) to explore the context of professional learning surrounding CCSS and ELLs/emergent bilinguals at their school/district/organization. The survey asks educators to focus on a) shifting roles of ESL educators, b) planning for professional learning, and c) preparing and supporting educators as they learn to implement college and career ready standards equitably for all students, particularly ELLs/EBs.

After individuals complete their surveys, leadership teams are encouraged to discuss survey responses, and identify one to three issues that stand out as challenges in their context. Then team members are asked to identify one to three action steps they can take to address the challenges they identify. As questions arise, educators are encouraged to turn to expert responses in the chapter for guidance.

Publication: Common Core Bilingual and English Language Learners: A Resource for Educators

Topic: Professional Development


Object(s): survey

Ch.07 Survey: Assessment and Accountability

Teachers, coaches, and administrators can use this survey from the end of Chapter 7 (Valdés et al) to investigate the assessment and accountability context surrounding CCSS and ELLs/emergent bilinguals at their school/district/organization. The survey asks educators to focus on a) the degree to which their district/school/program uses authentic assessments for ELLs/EBs, b) what all educators actually know about fair assessment and accountability practices for linguistically and culturally diverse learners, and c) perceptions of testing and accountability.

After individuals complete their surveys, leadership teams are encouraged to discuss survey responses, and identify one to three issues that stand out as challenges in their context. Then team members are asked to identify one to three action steps they can take to address the challenges they identify. As questions arise, educators are encouraged to turn to expert responses in the chapter for guidance.

Publication: Common Core Bilingual and English Language Learners: A Resource for Educators

Topic: Policy, Leadership, and Advocacy


Object(s): survey

Ch.07 Survey: When Challenges Arise

This Survey for Reflection and Action from Ch.07 (Hamayan & Freeman Field) is based on the guiding principles that were articulated in the beginning of the chapter titled, When challenges arise. Educators can use this survey to consider how their school responds to challenges that arise for the ELLs in their school, identify their strengths and needs, and propose action steps they can take to improve the ways they address these challenges. Educators can either download the survey or complete it online to easily share the results of their surveys with other educators in their school.

Publication: English Language Learners at School: A Guide for Administrators, 2nd edition

Topic: Policy, Leadership, and Advocacy


Object(s): survey

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  • Common Core Bilingual and English Language Learners: A Resource for Educators
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  • English Language Learners at School: A Guide for Administrators, 2nd edition
  • Implementing Effective Instruction for English Language Learners: Twelve Key Practices for Administrators, Teachers, and Leadership Teams
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